Saturday, August 16, 2008

Salvat's Suicide: Political Blackmail?

Paris: Rémy Salvat was 23 years old and was sick from six years of a rare degenerative disease that pushing him to a state of total disability.

Last Sunday Salvat locked himself in his room and took an overdose of drugs that ended his life. This case has dramatically reopened dramatically the debate on euthanasia in France.

Rémy wrote a letter to President Sarkozy demanding the right to die. He said: “I know that one day I will lose my capacities. I don’t want to be forced to be trapped in a body kept alive like a prisoner.”He wrote: "I know that in France there is no law to allow medical teams to practice euthanasia. This prevents me from living in peace ... we need to change the law."

Read it all here.

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